SUBROUTINE DCHDC(A,LDA,P,WORK,JPVT,JOB,INFO) C***BEGIN PROLOGUE DCHDC C***DATE WRITTEN 790319 (YYMMDD) C***REVISION DATE 820801 (YYMMDD) C***CATEGORY NO. D2B1B C***KEYWORDS CHOLESKY DECOMPOSITION,DOUBLE PRECISION,LINEAR ALGEBRA, C LINPACK,MATRIX,POSITIVE DEFINITE C***AUTHOR DONGARRA, J., (ANL) C STEWART, G. W., (U. OF MARYLAND) C***PURPOSE Computes the Cholesky decomposition of a POSITIVE DEFINITE C matrix. A pivoting option allows the user to estimate the C condition of a positive definite matrix or determine the C rank of a POSITIVE SEMIDEFINITE matrix. C***DESCRIPTION C C DCHDC computes the Cholesky decomposition of a positive definite C matrix. A pivoting option allows the user to estimate the C condition of a positive definite matrix or determine the rank C of a positive semidefinite matrix. C C On Entry C C A DOUBLE PRECISION(LDA,P). C A contains the matrix whose decomposition is to C be computed. Only the upper half of A need be stored. C The lower part of the array A is not referenced. C C LDA INTEGER. C LDA is the leading dimension of the array A. C C P INTEGER. C P is the order of the matrix. C C WORK DOUBLE PRECISION. C WORK is a work array. C C JPVT INTEGER(P). C JPVT contains integers that control the selection C of the pivot elements, if pivoting has been requested. C Each diagonal element A(K,K) C is placed in one of three classes according to the C value of JPVT(K). C C If JPVT(K) .GT. 0, then X(K) is an initial C element. C C If JPVT(K) .EQ. 0, then X(K) is a free element. C C If JPVT(K) .LT. 0, then X(K) is a final element. C C Before the decomposition is computed, initial elements C are moved by symmetric row and column interchanges to C the beginning of the array A and final C elements to the end. Both initial and final elements C are frozen in place during the computation and only C free elements are moved. At the K-th stage of the C reduction, if A(K,K) is occupied by a free element C it is interchanged with the largest free element C A(L,L) with L .GE. K. JPVT is not referenced if C JOB .EQ. 0. C C JOB INTEGER. C JOB is an integer that initiates column pivoting. C If JOB .EQ. 0, no pivoting is done. C If JOB .NE. 0, pivoting is done. C C On Return C C A A contains in its upper half the Cholesky factor C of the matrix A as it has been permuted by pivoting. C C JPVT JPVT(J) contains the index of the diagonal element C of a that was moved into the J-th position, C provided pivoting was requested. C C INFO contains the index of the last positive diagonal C element of the Cholesky factor. C C For positive definite matrices INFO = P is the normal return. C For pivoting with positive semidefinite matrices INFO will C in general be less than P. However, INFO may be greater than C the rank of A, since rounding error can cause an otherwise zero C element to be positive. Indefinite systems will always cause C INFO to be less than P. C C LINPACK. This version dated 03/19/79 . C J.Dongarra J. and Stewart G. W., Argonne National Laboratory and C University of Maryland. C C C BLAS DAXPY,DSWAP C Fortran DSQRT C***REFERENCES DONGARRA J.J., BUNCH J.R., MOLER C.B., STEWART G.W., C *LINPACK USERS GUIDE*, SIAM, 1979. C***ROUTINES CALLED DAXPY,DSWAP C***END PROLOGUE DCHDC INTEGER LDA,P,JPVT(1),JOB,INFO DOUBLE PRECISION A(LDA,1),WORK(1) C INTEGER PU,PL,PLP1,I,J,JP,JT,K,KB,KM1,KP1,L,MAXL DOUBLE PRECISION TEMP DOUBLE PRECISION MAXDIA LOGICAL SWAPK,NEGK C***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT DCHDC PL = 1 PU = 0 INFO = P IF (JOB .EQ. 0) GO TO 160 C C PIVOTING HAS BEEN REQUESTED. REARRANGE THE C THE ELEMENTS ACCORDING TO JPVT. C DO 70 K = 1, P SWAPK = JPVT(K) .GT. 0 NEGK = JPVT(K) .LT. 0 JPVT(K) = K IF (NEGK) JPVT(K) = -JPVT(K) IF (.NOT.SWAPK) GO TO 60 IF (K .EQ. PL) GO TO 50 CALL DSWAP(PL-1,A(1,K),1,A(1,PL),1) TEMP = A(K,K) A(K,K) = A(PL,PL) A(PL,PL) = TEMP PLP1 = PL + 1 IF (P .LT. PLP1) GO TO 40 DO 30 J = PLP1, P IF (J .GE. K) GO TO 10 TEMP = A(PL,J) A(PL,J) = A(J,K) A(J,K) = TEMP GO TO 20 10 CONTINUE IF (J .EQ. K) GO TO 20 TEMP = A(K,J) A(K,J) = A(PL,J) A(PL,J) = TEMP 20 CONTINUE 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE JPVT(K) = JPVT(PL) JPVT(PL) = K 50 CONTINUE PL = PL + 1 60 CONTINUE 70 CONTINUE PU = P IF (P .LT. PL) GO TO 150 DO 140 KB = PL, P K = P - KB + PL IF (JPVT(K) .GE. 0) GO TO 130 JPVT(K) = -JPVT(K) IF (PU .EQ. K) GO TO 120 CALL DSWAP(K-1,A(1,K),1,A(1,PU),1) TEMP = A(K,K) A(K,K) = A(PU,PU) A(PU,PU) = TEMP KP1 = K + 1 IF (P .LT. KP1) GO TO 110 DO 100 J = KP1, P IF (J .GE. PU) GO TO 80 TEMP = A(K,J) A(K,J) = A(J,PU) A(J,PU) = TEMP GO TO 90 80 CONTINUE IF (J .EQ. PU) GO TO 90 TEMP = A(K,J) A(K,J) = A(PU,J) A(PU,J) = TEMP 90 CONTINUE 100 CONTINUE 110 CONTINUE JT = JPVT(K) JPVT(K) = JPVT(PU) JPVT(PU) = JT 120 CONTINUE PU = PU - 1 130 CONTINUE 140 CONTINUE 150 CONTINUE 160 CONTINUE DO 270 K = 1, P C C REDUCTION LOOP. C MAXDIA = A(K,K) KP1 = K + 1 MAXL = K C C DETERMINE THE PIVOT ELEMENT. C IF (K .LT. PL .OR. K .GE. PU) GO TO 190 DO 180 L = KP1, PU IF (A(L,L) .LE. MAXDIA) GO TO 170 MAXDIA = A(L,L) MAXL = L 170 CONTINUE 180 CONTINUE 190 CONTINUE C C QUIT IF THE PIVOT ELEMENT IS NOT POSITIVE. C IF (MAXDIA .GT. 0.0D0) GO TO 200 INFO = K - 1 C ......EXIT GO TO 280 200 CONTINUE IF (K .EQ. MAXL) GO TO 210 C C START THE PIVOTING AND UPDATE JPVT. C KM1 = K - 1 CALL DSWAP(KM1,A(1,K),1,A(1,MAXL),1) A(MAXL,MAXL) = A(K,K) A(K,K) = MAXDIA JP = JPVT(MAXL) JPVT(MAXL) = JPVT(K) JPVT(K) = JP 210 CONTINUE C C REDUCTION STEP. PIVOTING IS CONTAINED ACROSS THE ROWS. C WORK(K) = DSQRT(A(K,K)) A(K,K) = WORK(K) IF (P .LT. KP1) GO TO 260 DO 250 J = KP1, P IF (K .EQ. MAXL) GO TO 240 IF (J .GE. MAXL) GO TO 220 TEMP = A(K,J) A(K,J) = A(J,MAXL) A(J,MAXL) = TEMP GO TO 230 220 CONTINUE IF (J .EQ. MAXL) GO TO 230 TEMP = A(K,J) A(K,J) = A(MAXL,J) A(MAXL,J) = TEMP 230 CONTINUE 240 CONTINUE A(K,J) = A(K,J)/WORK(K) WORK(J) = A(K,J) TEMP = -A(K,J) CALL DAXPY(J-K,TEMP,WORK(KP1),1,A(KP1,J),1) 250 CONTINUE 260 CONTINUE 270 CONTINUE 280 CONTINUE RETURN END