P A C K A G E LINPAKD (Version 1978 ) Analyse and solve various systems of linear algebraic equations. (Double precision version of LINPACK). DCHDC.........Compute Cholesky decomposition of positive definite double precision matrix with optional pivoting. DCHDD.........Downdates Cholesky factorization of positive definite double precision matrix. DCHEX.........Updates Cholesky factorization of positive definite double precision matrix. DCHUD.........Updates Cholesky factorization of positive definite double precision matrix. DGBCO.........Computes LU factorization of general double precision band matrix and estimates its condition. DGBDI.........Uses LU factorization of general double precision band matrix to compute its determinant. (No provision for inverse compution.) DGBFA.........Computes LU factorization of general double precision band matrix. DGBSL.........Uses LU factorization of general double precision band matrix to solve systems. DGECO.........Compute LU factorization of general double precision matrix and estimate its condition. DGEDI.........Uses LU factorization of general double precision matrix to compute its determinant and/or inverse. DGEFA.........Compute LU factorization of general double precision matrix. DGESL.........Uses LU factorization of general double precision matrix to solve systems. DGTSL.........Solve systems with tridiagonal double precision matrix. DPBCO.........Compute LU factorization of double precision positive definite band matrix and estimate its condition. DPBDI.........Use LU factorization of double precision positive definite band matrix to compute determinant. (No provision for inverse.) DPBFA.........Computes LU factorization of double precision positive definite band matrix. DPBSL.........Uses LU factorization of double precision positive definite band matrix to solve systems. DPOCO.........Use Cholesky algorithm to factor double precision positive definite matrix and estimate its condition. DPODI.........Use factorization of double precision positive definite matrix to compute determinant and/or inverse. DPOFA.........Use Cholesky algorithm to factor double precision positive definite matrix. DPOSL.........Use factorization of double precision positive definite matrix to solve systems. DPPCO.........Use Cholesky algorithm to factor double precision positive definite matrix stored in packed form and estimate its condition. DPPDI.........Use factorization of double precision positive definite matrix stored in packed form to compute determinant and/or inverse. DPPFA.........Use Cholesky algorithm to factor double precision positive definite matrix stored in packed form. DPPSL.........Use factorization of double precision positive definite matrix stored in packed form to solve systems. DPTSL.........Decomposes double precision symmetric positive definite tridiagonal matrix and simultaneously solve a system. DQRDC.........Compute QR decomposition of general double precision matrix. DQRSL.........Manipulates truncated QR decomposition of double precision matrix output from DQRDC. DSICO.........Computes factorization of double precision symmetric indefinite matrix and estimate its condition. DSIDI.........Use factorization of double precision symmetric indefinite matrix to compute determinant and/or inverse. DSIFA.........Compute factorization of double precision symmetric indefinite matrix. DSISL.........Use factorization of double precision symmetric indefinite matrix to solve systems. DSPCO.........Compute factorization of double precision symmetric indefinite matrix stored in packed form and estimate its condition. DSPDI.........Use factorization of double precision symmetric indefinite matrix stored in packed form to compute determinant and/or inverse. DSPFA.........Compute factorization of double precision symmetric indefinite matrix stored in packed form. DSPSL.........Use factorization of double precision symmetric indefinite matrix stored in packed form to solve systems. DSVDC.........Compute Singular Value Decomposition of double precision matrix. DTRCO.........Estimates condition of double precision triangular matrix. DTRDI.........Computes determinant and/or inverse of double precision triangular matrix. DTRSL.........Solves systems with double precision triangular matrix.